Congratulations Ampayag Rescuers on your impressive haul of awards!
The Ampayag Pudtol 2025 Rescuelympics team has once again demonstrated their ability to think critically and act decisively under pressure at Dacao Dam, Lower Maton, Pudtol- showcasing their capacity to adapt to any given circumstances. For starters, the ‘D’ IApayaos’ Amazing Race of Barangay’s Finest” category kicked off with a rope-knotting event. Team Ampayag Pudtol demonstrated their proficiency and advanced to the next challenge: a water-based rescue mission. Their skills were further tested in a series of situational challenges including CPR, patient transport via patrol, fire extinguishing, and finally the crucial task of removing water from a capsized boat. Team Anpayag Pudtol was the first one to cross the finish line. They also secured the awards of: Best in Q n A, Best in Bucket Relay, and Best in Packing.
The Search, Rescue, and Retrieval Team competition also presented a challenging series of events, mirroring some events of the barangay-level competition but incorporating the added complexities of rappelling, specialized land rescue techniques, and packing. Their dedication and teamwork were evident throughout, ultimately resulting in a well-deserved first runner-up.
In the Sky Pilot Maneuvering Skills, they ended us first runner-up and secured the award as Best in Pilot.
Congratulations Ampayag Rescuers! You inspired your very own community again. We look forward to your continued success.